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Tiffany Cruikshank

Tiffany Cruikshank

Creator of Yoga Medicine, an anatomically based training system designed to help teacher’s allover the world work more powerfully with their students through a holistic approach of both eastern and western perspectives.

1. If you could do only one pose every day for the rest of your life, what would that pose be?

Meditation for sure.

2. What is one food you can’t live without?

 Avocado. I love it on everything and it makes me feel good.

3. You. A Desert Island. Three Things. Go.

A knife, Lulu, and Forrest.  Companionship is key to survival.  I used to do a lot of primitive living and survival stuff back in my teens, so I can forage and make just about anything if needed.  I even know how to flint knap so I could possibly even make a knife. I’m pretty crafty.  But my dog and my man—those are irreplaceable! 

4. What is the last gift you gave someone and why?

A necklace from Made by Survivors.  They are connected with the Seva Project that Yoga Medicine supports in India.  They train women who have been abused, sold into slavery, or abandoned to be metal smiths.  It’s a long training, and women aren’t typically trained in this in India, so it’s an incredibly healing and empowering process for them. I love jewelry with meaning, as it’s a reminder of my gratitude for all the love and abundance I am blessed to have in this lifetime and a reminder of our strength in numbers—to support each other, even women on the other side of the world!

6. What is your definition of success?

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 Happiness. Being content.  Thriving relationships.  Time to spend with others.  Always a work in progress.

7. Your “next big goal” is?

 Finding balance in my life, being home a bit more, doing more online trainings for our teachers so they have access to training without having to leave their home.  Seeing patients again and having a home community in Seattle.  Did I mention we’re in the process of moving?  I love Seattle; it’s big enough to satiate my big city love and small enough to have hometown-feeling communities.  And I love the Pacific Northwest!

9. You just won a million dollars. First thing you would do: 

Create a huge Yoga Medicine facility with research and all sorts of medical providers coming together to study and experiment andfind ways to serve the community, to provide the best healthcare possible from a multidimensional approach that respects all paths of medicine. 

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