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Susi Hately

Susi Hately

Susi Hately is a REGISTERED KINESIOLOGIST, YOGI, TEACHER, SPEAKER, AUTHOR, International Presenter and Trailblazer in the field of Yoga TherapyShe is also the founder of Functional Synergy, located in Calgary, Alberta.

1.  You’re the first addition in a crayon box. What colour would you be and why?

Blue! Many shades of blue. Sky, water, it shimmers, and shines. Blue is beautiful.

 2.  You. A Desert Island, and Three Things. What will these be?

That’s easy: my husband, Stew, and my soon-to-be-born twins.

 3. You had a long and particularly challenging day at work (studio or office). You arrive home to find a winning lotto ticket for $1 million. What do you do?

First: Either yell a woo hoo, or sit down and pause. Either response is likely.
Second: Tell a few key people in my life to pack a small bag of necessities and drive to the airport. Grab the babies, Stew, and head on out.
Fourth: Look at the big screen and pick a destination.Fifth: At some point, ponder the next big thing.

4.  If you knew then what you know now, you would (fill in the blank).

I would not do anything differently. The oops, “owies,” struggles, booboos, mistakes, and oversights–as uncomfortable as a few of them have been– all of them have contributed to who I am and the life, friends, relationships, and business that I have. 

5.  Favourite guilty pleasure?

This may sound crazy, but I like pleasure for the sake of pleasure. None of it is guilty.

 6.    If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?

A horse. They are beautiful, elegant, strong. And they just “know.”

See Also

7.   In one word each, how would your friends describe you? Clients? Parents? Spouse?

Stew (spouse) describes me as Heaven-sent. Clients and colleagues describe me as shockingly incisive and illuminating.Friends describe me as kind and gracious with a really great laugh. My Dad describes me (as would my late mom) as motivated, driven, passionate.

 8.     Someone is starring YOU in a movie about your life. Which actor would you choose for the role and why?

So, I had to go to some friends to answer this. Here are their responses: Two said, Jodi Foster because she is cute, fierce, strong, incredibly intelligent, and she cares. Another answer was “DEFINITELY Ellen. She is pixie-like, beautiful, and a trailblazer. She also doesn’t take herself too seriously.”I’ll take both.

9.  What’s your least favourite yoga pose? 

I used to really detest Downward Facing Dog, for more reasons than I can list here. I made the “mistake” of admitting that to a friend who, at the time, was also a studio owner whose studio I frequented often. She told all the teachers, and when they saw me in their non-flow classes, they would announce, “Ah, Susi is here. We are doing many downward dogs. I had to laugh (well, not right away), but eventually I did. With friends like that . . . (haha). That got me over the “least favourite/most favourite” categorization.

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