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Shirlee Williams

Shirlee Williams

Shirlee Williams – RYT 500
Beyond 200
Living your yoga | Yoga Coach
Instagram: @shirleewilliamscoaching/

Did you just graduated from a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program? Or perhaps you’ve been teaching for a while and you are ready to take your teaching to a new level? Shirlee Williams has created a program just for you.
New YTT graduates can often feel unprepared to take on a teaching role and with the long term trend of yoga teacher graduates on the incline, Shirlee sees that teachers don’t necessarily need more training hours, they need to refine, hone, and learn how to execute the skills they have already learned. Shirlee has more than two decades of teaching experience, studio ownership and life coach and meditation skills that have guided her to develop the vision and create the Beyond 200 mentoring program. This program is designed for any yoga teacher looking to build on their tool box of teaching skills. Beyond 200 is currently being offered as an on-line program, so that her unique and specialized program is accessible for all.

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