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Sadie Nardini Writer, Teacher, Musician, and Founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga

Sadie Nardini Writer, Teacher, Musician, and Founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga

1. What do you believe is your greatest contribution to yogaand to your students?

My own practice of radical authenticity. People may not want to be exactly like me, but it frees them to see a living example of a woman who is being totally herself, regardless of what others may think. 

2. If you could do only one pose every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

My Belly Bonfire Breath. It heats you up, calms your reactivity, and creates a resonant clear path from accessing your deeper truth to speaking it. 

3. One food you can’t live without?

Wine. That’s a food, right? 

4. You. A Desert Island. Three Things. Go.

A Moleskine journal, a pen… and Ewan McGregor.

5. What is the last gift you gave someoneand why?

I gave a friend one of my FIERCE tank topsbecause she was feeling down. Now she’s part of the Fierce Club, and that instantly lifted her mood. 

6. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Immortality, because I have a lot to accomplish, feel, and see and not enough time to do it all. 

7. What is your definition of success? Failure?

They are both the same: They don’t actually exist. Both are stories we tell ourselves about good and bad, things we crave and things we resist. For me, Life is all about lessons, adventure, and growth; both the experiences people call success and failure can lead me to those things. Therefore, it’s all welcome here.

See Also

8. Your next big goal?

I’m feeling ready to accept my next soul mate love (wherever he is), situate myself more in one place, and do more online teaching, as well as make album #3 as a singerand spend more time performing my music. Tall orders, perhaps, but if I don’t dream big on my own behalf, who will? 

9. You just won a million dollars. Very first thing you would do:

Invest it and live off the interest. 

10. Pop song that defines you or that represents your energy?

 Right now, it’s “When Doves Cry,” by Prince, because I am in remembrance of this great and human artist and his great suffering, as well as his incredible offerings to the worlds of music and humanitarianism. 

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