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Ryan “The Lion” Leier Teacher and Founder of One Yoga for the People

Ryan “The Lion” Leier Teacher and Founder of One Yoga for the People

1. What does success mean to you?

Success means my daughter is thriving. Success means doing the best I can. 

2. What do you need to be “successful” as a yoga teacher?

Be[ing] able to care for others and to be[ing] dedicated to our practice and taking care of ourselves. A successful yoga teacher is usually a great student and learner. 

3. In three words or less (each): how would your closest friend describe you? Brother. Your students? Strange. Your kids?  Embarrassing, occasionally cool. A parent? Work in progress.

4. Your greatest UNfulfilled dream

No more people killing themselves and each other.

5. You, a desert island, three things, go!

 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bob Marley, iPhone

6. Your favourite actor and why

Woody Harrelson, cause he is fierce, funny and is a yogi

7. Your worst habit

Checking my Instagram

8. What do you want to be when you ‘grow up’?

A musician

9. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

Lemons, limes, grapefruit, and ginger beer

See Also

10.What makes you angry? 

Disrespectful people

11. A guilty pleasure…. 

Watching over-confident people get a little uncomfortable . . .

And finally,

11. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Here. Ryan Leier. Or, how bout a reality show.

My daughter Kiyah says, “Livin’ with the Leiers.”  Usually it’s a comedy, thriller, or mystery and occasionally a drama!

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