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Rodney Yee Celebrated Teacher, International Presenter, Co-Owner of Piedmont Yoga Studio, Founder Partner of Yoga Shanti, and Prominent Instructor of Gaiam/Living Arts Yoga Videos.

Rodney Yee Celebrated Teacher, International Presenter, Co-Owner of Piedmont Yoga Studio, Founder Partner of Yoga Shanti, and Prominent Instructor of Gaiam/Living Arts Yoga Videos.

1. What do you believe is your greatest contribution to yoga?Making yoga accessible to the masses by distilling some of the knowledge into essential digestible pieces through video, audio, and live classes.

2. If you could do only one pose every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mountain Pose . . . which I consider the culmination of all the poses.

3. One food you can’t live without? Peanut butter.

6. What is your definition of success? Failure? Success and failure don’t exist outside the orientation of a specific perspective, so from an open, unbiased mind, they don’t exist.

7. What is the biggest risk you ever took? Moving East to marry Colleen.

8. If you knew then what you know now, you would . ..[fill in the blanks]? Keep not knowing.

See Also

9. Favourite guilty pleasure? Coffee.

10. Someone is starring YOU in a movie about your life. Which actor would you choose for the role and why? An unknown Chinese actor who is full of curiosity and foolish, because they might have a chance in getting to my core.

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