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Raw Ambition

Raw Ambition

The Plantpower Way is a transformative family lifestyle guide created by renowned plant-based ultra-distance athlete and high-profile wellness advocate Rich Roll and his chef wife Julie Piatt. The book is bursting with culinary inspiration and has more than 120 delicious, easy-to-prepare whole food recipes.

But beyond the plate, at its core, The Plantpower Way is a highly accessible roadmap to long-term wellness and vibrant body, mind, and spirit health. It’s better than a diet: it is a celebration of a delicious, simple, and sustainable lifestyle.

For Untuna Wraps:


  • Walnuts contain disease-fighting nutrients that help repair neurological damage caused by aging, help battle depression, and a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that walnuts may also help our bodies to better respond to stress and reduce blood pressure during stressful situations.

Sea weed

  • Seaweed is filled with antioxidants, calcium and a broad range of vitamins. It is also an extraordinary source of iodine, a nutrient missing in almost every other food. Healthy levels of iodine are critically important for thyroid health and hormone regulation.

Kalmata olives

  • Scientists have found that a diet that includes the regularly consumption of olive oil and olives reduces the incidence of chronic inflammation. This is likely due to the phenolic compounds found in olive because they are natural antioxidants (they are also what give olives their distinctive taste). According to “Medicinal Research Reviews” the phenolic compounds in olive oil may also be the reason for lower incidences of heart disease and some cancers

For Ultra Queen K


  • Maca is a plant that grows in central Peru in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains. It has a history of being used as an aphrodisiac, and recently, preliminary research has suggested that maca may protect the brain from damage, improve bone health, and even improve cognitive ability.


  • Chia is a fiber powerhouse, in fact at about 40% fiber by weight they are one of the best sources of fiber in the world! In just one-ounce there are 11 grams of dietary fibre(that’s about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults).

Blue green algae

  • Blue-green algae is one of nature’s oldest, best kept secrets – it has been around for two billion years! It contains the anti-inflammatory marine omega-3 fatty acid DHA usually found in fish oil as well as phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA got its reputation as the “molecule of love” because it has also been found in cacao (chocolate). Beside enhancing concentration and attention, PEA is a natural mood elevator and anti-depressant.

Off the HookUntunaWraps:

This is an amazingly easy off the hook-tasty recipe. My sons say that the only thing missing from this tuna is the mercury — well put! I sometimes crave the tuna taste from my childhood sandwich memories. My little girls asked me recently, “Mom, what is a tuna sandwich?” Although they have been enjoying this walnut and olive based recipe for years, it wasn’t until that moment that I realized they had nothing to compare it to, as they have never actually eaten a real tuna sandwich! After collecting myself, I replied, “it’s a fish.” They protested, “Why would you eat a fish! That’s an animal!” I had to stop to ask myself the same question, why would I? Well, now you too can say so long to your classic tuna salad, because with this recipe you won’t have to. It’s actually uncanny how much this dish indeed tastes like tuna – and that’s a promise.


• 1 1⁄2 cups raw walnuts

• 2 celery stalks, chopped coarsely

• 4 tablespoons sea weed or sea veggies

See Also

• 1 cupKalmata olives. pitted

• 2 tablespoons “Bubbies” relish with amino acids


1. In a food processor, pulse the walnuts until mealy in texture.

2. Add the celery, sea veggies and olives. Process again for 30 seconds.

3. Add the relish and process for 15 seconds.

4. Spread on romaine leaves, wrap in a collard green, or spread on your favorite bread. We love hemp bread and gluten-free millet varieties.

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