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Queso – A Zengarry specialty

Queso – A Zengarry specialty

THIS QUESO SAUCE IS SO VERSATILE! SERVE IT WITH YOUR FAVOURITE TORTILLA CHIPS, ON NACHOS, CHILI FRIES OR EVEN ON BAKED POTATOES! This recipe is super easy and uses only 4 ingredients, making a delish dish in a pinch!

1 package of Fauxmagerie Zengarry Smokey Jalapeño cashew cheese
1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup prepared salsa
Cayenne pepper to taste (remember… a little goes a long way! Just a pinch will do!)

TRY THIS Zesty Smokey Jalapeno cashew cheese from Fauxmagerie Zengarry and it’s great with crackers too!

1. In a small sauce pan combine Fauxmagerie Zengarry cashew cheese and almond milk over medium low heat. Chop the cheese with a spoon and whisk until smooth and creamy.
2. Add salsa and cayenne pepper. Make mixture warm, and be careful to not overheat as you don’t want it to boil or stick to the pan! Serve warm!

See Also

Although cashews are one of the lowest-fiber nuts, they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These include vitamins E, K, and B6, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium, all of which are important for maintaining good bodily function.

One of the most unique compounds in jalapeños is capsaicin, an alkaloid that gives peppers their characteristic spicy quality and is responsible for many of their health benefits. Jalapeños are low in calories, a good source of fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B6 and are also thought to improve the immune system, provide migraine relief and have anti-inflammatory qualities.

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