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One Yoga

One Yoga
200HR Teacher Training with Ryan Leier + One Yoga
Our 200HR Yoga Teacher Training is an intensive immersion designed for those wanting to go deeper into their practice, share yoga with the world, and for those wanting to complete the One Yoga 200HR Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training Program to become a registered teacher. Join us in 2020 in Kelowna or Victoria, BC.

100HR Level 1: Living Yoga
Live, breath and be yoga. Deepen your personal yoga practice and integrate the yogic lifestyle into your everyday life as a powerful platform to live and teach from.
*Open to dedicated students and teachers alike

100HR Level 2: Giving Yoga
You are already living yoga, now is the time to share yoga. Transform your practice and learn how to teach in a skilful and inspired way.
*Open to dedicated students and teachers alike

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