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Muskoka Mornings

Muskoka Mornings

1 800 393-2165

Muskoka Mornings® is all about helping to create balance through the foods we eat. Kerry Foreman, the founder of Muskoka Mornings, has been in the health and wellness industry for 30 years as owner of Beauty Comes Naturally in Muskoka.

One of the key foundations in good health is stabilizing blood sugar levels. The body requires protein to aide in this and is required to make hormones along with protein being the building block for our neurotransmitters. Cells need a way to talk to each other for the body to function properly, thus their first product No Yolking™ was born. No Yolking™ 100% egg white powder is made in Canada with eggs sourced from Canadian farms. The fermentation process prolongs shelf life & ensures you are getting 100% pure egg whites with no risk of salmonella or other harmful bacteria. No Yolking™ protein powder is simple to add to other food and drink making it easy to get protein throughout the day.

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