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Kick start your 2019 resolutions with special retreats designed to keep you committed.

Kick start your 2019 resolutions with special retreats designed to keep you committed.

According to Psychology Today, 71% of people give up their New Year’s Resolution in the first month”!

There are a host of retreats out there and it can be challenging to find the right one. The Best of Sweat Equity online directory is a great resource where you can find a variety of retreats to suit your needs. Some are offered by local studios and venture to far away places and others offer options that all happen on Canadian soil. Watch for new listings as well for the kick off of 2019! In the meantime, we also found a great resource for luxury retreats with celebrity trainers that might peak the interest of your glam side. Retreats Unlimited brings together top-notch instructors, unique destinations and experiences, luxury accommodations, and an unparalleled level of service. They are a full-service luxury retreat company offering yoga, fitness, self-improvement, boot camp and wellness vacations. Here’s a handful so you can soak in some spa-induced getaways.

Brooke Burke Body Transformation Retreat

Winner and former host of Dancing with the Stars, Brooke Burke brings her wildly popular body transformation retreat to the Don Cesar in sunny Florida Jan. 24-27, 2019. Brooke has an inherent talent of connecting with guests and leading them to mental and physical breakthroughs during the four-day retreat. Her spitfire personality will light a fire under you to keep your resolution.

 Your host:

Mother of four, Brooke Burke is living proof that a fit, toned body can be had by any woman, at any age when you know the practice of a wellness lifestyle. Brooke is the creator of the Brooke Burke Body Fitness App, has been a fitness instructor for more than five years and has graced the cover of every major fitness magazine. You may know her from hosting 8 seasons and winning Dancing with the Stars, and numerous other TV stints.

Mental Fitness Bootcamp

Who doesn’t want to be happier in 2019? During the Jan. 24-26, 2019 Mental Fitness Bootcamp at Rancho Valencia in California, Dr. Zelana Montiminy, a prominent figure in positive psychology will share the secret sauce to happiness (hint: It’s not what you think it is). You’ll leave with a mental fitness toolbox to make 2019 your best year yet.

Your host:

 Dr. Zelana Montminy is a renowned wellness architect, providing an unparalleled realistic perspective rooted in science. Whether it’s as a bestselling author, working with celebrities, hosting a television show, or leading a transformational retreat, Dr. Zelana is paving the way for mental fitness.

Fit and Fun with The Freemans

This retreat Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 2019 is the first of our couple’s retreats! Popular BeachBody fitness trainer Joel Freeman and his personal trainer wife, Breanne, lead couples in a retreat that enhances romantic connection through fitness and fun. With the beautiful CostaBaja Resort & Spa in LaPaz, Mexico as the backdrop, couples will start 2019 with a better connection and a new fitness routine to enjoy together.

Your host:

See Also

Joel and Breanne share the same dream to help each other and those around them achieve their fitness goals while living a fun, balanced life. A Beachbody Celebrity Trainer, Joel’s passion has always been teaching and showing others how to live healthy and fulfilling lives, with a career in the health and fitness industry that spans over 15 years. As co-creator of CORE DE FORCE™, the 30-day mixed martial arts-style training program, Joel hopes to motivate even more people to get fit and make healthier choices—all while enjoying the journey!

Live Life Like an Adventure

If you’ve been living small and need a breakthrough to achieve your dreams, you’ll find it at the Live Life Like an Adventure retreat led by Sonia Satra Feb. 7-10, 2019 in sun kissed Scottsdale, Arizona at Civana Carefree Resort, AZ. Focused on indoor and outdoor adventures, Sonia helps you break out of being sucked through radical, profound action.

Your host:

Sonia Satra is a mindset and fitness thought leader who specializes in personal transformation by integrating the mind, body, and emotion to create lasting change.

Through her award-winning company Moticise – motivational exercise – Sonia combines movement with mindset to help people reach their own personal summit in life and in business.

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