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Keep Your Eyes on the Prize – The Best Eye Cream on the Planet…

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize – The Best Eye Cream on the Planet…

We’ve all heard the pitch. There is some magical pill or cream that can give you exactly what you want, or take away something you don’t want. The quick fix. The pixie dust that gets sprinkled through ads and commercials for gimmicky products that are being marketed to us because the companies know that we want easy answers and we have zero patience. When it comes to eye creams, the promises to women are vast. Are eye creams, in fact, just more expensive moisturizers in a smaller package?

Not true. Eye creams are formulated specifically for the delicate skin around the eye, so they tend to be thicker, and the good ones contain more oil than a regular facial lotion, with more active ingredients aimed at the issues that are commonly found. Since the skin is more delicate in the eye area, it is more fragile, more prone to dryness, and quicker to show age and fatigue. Squinting and constant movement of the eyes also hasten the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and fluids collect under the eyes and cause puffiness and dark circles. Eye creams can address some of these issues. In particular, the Alert Eye Cream from Israeli company Lavido, gets top ratings as the “World’s Best Eye Cream”. That’s a big claim so we thought it best to dig right in and explore the ingredients found in the Alert Eye Cream, reveal some of the unique processes used to make it, and show how not only is this eye cream special, but the company that makes it is pretty unique too.

We think our Private Eye detective work will help you see what all the fuss is about!

Pomegranate Seed Oil – unique fatty acids called punicic acids, the oil comes from the small white seeds that are inside the red pulp that holds the juice. The white small seeds have the unique composition of these fatty acids and aid as a very strong antioxidant internally and externally. The molecule absorbs different than our skin – the ingredients will leave the skin soft and protected for a very long time. The process of our skin aging comes from challenges in our environment that stress the skin. For example, exposure to pollutants, toxins, chemicals and also from what we eat, so the anti-oxidant component is key.
This oil has been extracted by cold-pressed methods at Lavido. Astonishingly, it takes 1.5 tonnes of fresh fruit to get 1L of this concentrated fatty acid oil.

Hyaluronic Acid – this is a molecule that holds water in our skin; 1000x more than its own weight so it acts as a strong hydrating active ingredient. This ingredient leaves the skin soft for a long duration and the texture of the skin will change/improve because the ingredient’s ability to hold more water will plump the skin and wrinkles will fade.

Hydrosol Water – the water fractions that come from the distillation process of essential oils. This is a mild, gentle ingredient that is safe to use around the delicate areas around the eyes. It has astringent properties and it also has a cooling affect so the sensitive area around the eyes and the soft skin require ingredients like hydrosol versus using strong essential oils which can be too aggressive.

See Also

Process of extracting oils – CO2 extraction, which is a super critical process. This takes out molecules that no other process can remove so the composition of essential oils and fatty acid oils that are made by C02 extraction are much higher quality. Lavido Co2 extraction uses the whole plant and extracts different molecules that are not typically extracted by standard cold-pressed and/or distillation processes.

Clean Beauty – rare within the beauty industry and something Lavido is committed to providing its customers – Testing & Efficacy. While other brands toss claims around, Lavido proves theirs by rigorous testing:
ALL of the finished products from Lavido are sent to German clinical labs to prove the efficiency of the product. For Alert Eye Cream, the product is also tested by Ophthalmological testing to ensure no ingredient irritates the gentle eye area. Further, moisturizers are tested for hydration efficiency and anti-aging products will be tested for efficacy of their claims for wrinkle depth reduction, skin elasticity and skin hydration. For example, claims such as this one from Lavido are backed by scientific testing. “100% of subjects experienced a significant increase in skin firmness, and 97% of subjects saw a significant decrease in wrinkle depth.”

Find Lavido Alert Eye Cream at

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