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Kathryn Budig International Teacher, Celebrated Author, and Founder of the Aim True Philosophy

Kathryn Budig International Teacher, Celebrated Author, and Founder of the Aim True Philosophy

1. If you could do only one pose every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Malasana (Garland Pose). That cute little nugget of a pose brings me so much joy. It releases my hips and lower back, encourages length in my spine, and basically makes the world seem better after long bouts of travel. 

2. What’s one food you can’t live without?

Hot sauce. It makes the simplest dish amazing or makes an amazing dish even better!

3. You. A Desert Island. Three Things. Go.

 My dog, Ashi, The Odyssey (for escape inspiration), and grape seeds so I can grow my own wine.

4. What is the last gift you gave someone and why?

A handwritten note. I hope that doesn’t sound cheap, but it’s a lost art these days and something that I value highly.

5. If you could have one superpower what would it be and why? 

Telekinesis, but especially with my hands. If I could create fireballs that would make cooking easier, too. 

6. How do you define success?

Success is the ability to aim true everyday of your life, meaning you embrace your desires and talents and go after them wholeheartedly regardless of the sound and obstacles from others. Success is knowing you can constantly reinvent yourself.

7. Your “next big goal” is…?

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To put more inspiring, educational, and unique material in the world while spending more time with the ones I love.

8. You just won a million dollars. The very first thing you do is . . . ?

Book a flight to Santorini and bask in the Mediterranean sun and food. I mean, for real—just put me in a tub of extra virgin olive oil and Greek yogurt.

9. Name a pop song that defines you or that represents your energy:

When I’m fired up,“Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.

When I’m a bit softer,“Elastic Heart” by Sia.

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