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Eat Your Heart Out – Cheesecake Bites that will have you feeling the love!

Eat Your Heart Out – Cheesecake Bites that will have you feeling the love!

This recipe is not only deliciously simple, but these heart-shaped gems will unleash a symphony of flavour that will have you singing for more.

Ingredients :

For the crust :
1 ½ cup of almond flour
2 Tbsp. of cocoa powder
2 Tbsp. of maple syrup
½ cup of coconut oil, melted

For the cake:
½ package of Fauxmagerie Zengarry Brie style cashew cheese
1 cup of frozen fruits (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.)SavePreparation


For the crust:
1. Make the crust by mixing together all of the crust ingredients in a food processor until it comes together.
2. Scoop out a little crust mixture with a spoon and press into the bottom of the heart mold – about ½ inch thick. Put in the freezer to start to harden while you work on the cake part.

See Also

For the cake:
1. Put the Fauxmagerie Zengarry Brie style cashew cheese and the frozen fruits into the bowl of the food processor and process until smooth. Spread about 2-3 Tablespoons of cheesecake filling onto each crust.
2. Freeze the cheesecakes for 30-40 minutes until firm. Remove them from the heart-shaped mold and allow to thaw for 10-15 minutes or so.

Creamy and firm, Zengarry Double Crème Brie style cashew cheese melts in your mouth.
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