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Cut To Your Core – Try This Full-body Battle Rope Workout

Cut To Your Core – Try This Full-body Battle Rope Workout

You can develop your core while training other major muscle groups at the same time. Increase muscle tone and burn maximal body fat by combining these challenging upper and lower body exercises. The set up is simple. All you need are a few pieces of equipment and your own body weight.


Core, Shoulders, Legs, Glutes, Arms and Back

Exercise 1: Medicine Ball Slams

Medicine Ball Slams Workout -
Medicine Ball Slams Workout –

Hold medicine ball at chest height. Rise up onto the balls of your feet while simultaneously swinging your arms so that the medicine ball is straight above your head. Pause at the top for 1-2 seconds. Using power and force, slam the ball onto ground. Allow the ball to bounce up into your hands. Hold it at chest height and return to start position. Complete 10-12 reps for a total of 2-3 sets with 45 seconds rest.

Tip: Engage your abs throughout the exercise to maintain balance and strengthen your core

Exercise 2: Battle Ropes

Grasp onto the end of the ropes with your hands. Maintain a squat position and a neutral spine. Alternate your arms in a waving motion (up and down vertically) as fast as you can. Complete 30 seconds for 2 to 3 sets and rest for 30 seconds in between each.

Tip: Move as quickly as possible to keep the intensity high and your heart rate elevated

Exercise 3: Medicine Ball Russian Twists

In a seated position on a mat, hold a medicine ball at chest height. Lean back slightly and raise your feet a few inches off the floor. Rotate your trunk to each side, while tapping the medicine ball on the floor on each rep. Aim to complete 15 reps per side for a total of 2 to 3 sets.

Tip: To modify or to decrease intensity, place your feet on the ground and remove the resistance/medicine ball.

Exercise 4: Bent Over Kettlebell Row

Stand facing forward with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a kettlebell in each hand. Bend forward from your trunk, maintaining a neutral spine. Allow your arms to hang straight at the sides of your body. Lift the kettlebells just above hip level while bending your elbows. Pause for a second, then return weights to the start position. Complete 2 to 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest 45 seconds between each set.

Tip: Contract your abs to remain stable throughout and squeeze your shoulder blades together to work your middle back

Exercise 5: Clean & Press With Kettlebell

This intermediate exercise works the entire body, including: shoulders, triceps, abs, calves, low back, hamstrings and glutes

See Also

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, placing a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and hinge your hips forward. Reach down and grab the kettlebell with one hand. Swing it between your legs and then use the momentum to swing it forward and up, driving your hips forward and straightening your back. Once the kettlebell is above your bellybutton, pull it back and move your hand under it so the kettlebell rests against the back of your wrist (rack position, palm forward). Next, press the kettlebell straight above your head until your arm is straight. Lower the kettlebell back to the rack position (chest height) and then to the floor. Repeat 10-12 times for 2-3 sets. Rest 45 seconds after each set and repeat on the other side.

Exercise 6: Medicine Ball Push-Up

In a push up position, place one hand on a medicine ball and the other on the floor (keeping wrists in line with shoulders). Complete a full push up while keeping your core tight and maintaining a neutral spine. Release your hand and and pass the ball toward your other hand. Place it onto the ball and repeat for a total of 5-8 reps and 2-3 sets. Rest for 45 seconds after each set.

Modification: Complete the push-up on your knees and/or complete one side of push-ups at a time with hands staggered (one hand on floor and one hand on the ball).

Exercise 7: Alternating lunge with medicine ball

In standing position, hold a medicine ball straight above your head. Complete a forward lunge and return to the starting position. Alternate legs for 2-3 sets, 12-15 reps per side. Rest for 30-45 seconds between each set.

Tip: Keep core tight to ensure proper posture. Do not let your front knee go over your toe when performing lunges. Feel the burn in your shoulders and legs!

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