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Getting in the Weeds – Dandelions can Spring you into Detox Mode

Getting in the Weeds – Dandelions can Spring you into Detox Mode

Memories of frolicking through fields of plush springtime grass, littered with yellow dandelions. Their neon yellow flowers blanketed the fields while unsuspecting neighbours mow them over. The flowers dry out, exposing the pestilent seeds within a white tuft of feathery-like flowers, easily blown off their stem with the slightest gust of wind. It’s hard to imagine any other weed with a similar life cycle. Beautiful yet beastly; stereotyped for being such a pesky weed. But, this ‘weeds’ ability to protect the liver is unsurpassed within the plant kingdom. Here’s why…

The Liver, with over 500 jobs daily, plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body, including the detoxification of chemicals and toxins, purification of the blood and elimination of these wastes. Signs of a sluggish liver include headaches, sensitivity to caffeine, difficulty digesting fatty foods, skin problems, food allergies and sensitivities, bad breath, fatigue and much more..

In the book Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, Dandelion, is considered an herb with nutritive and medicinal properties. The stem, flower and root has been used for centuries to make medicine for treating innumerable health conditions and the root is best roasted and used as a coffee substitute. The leaves, bitter in taste can be eaten raw in salads; their health-promoting benefits can be attributed to the presence of these bitter substances and of polyphenols (plant compounds) which possess anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Dandelion is also rich in vitamins (A, C, D, E, and B), inositol, lecithin, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, silicon, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese. And, among vegetables, dandelion, surprisingly, shares equal amounts of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) gram:gram as carrots!

Similar to your vehicles oil change, the liver goes through its own cleansing process which require specific nutrients to get the job done. You’ll be hard pressed to find a detox formula on the market that doesn’t contain dandelion. Dandelion strengthens the liver and stimulates the flow of bile, an essential component to healthy digestion and removal of toxins.

As the seasons turn, springing up on a lawn near you: Dandelion. Perhaps, you’ll think twice before you judge this weed or, just maybe, you’ll pluck it from the ground and try with your next salad bowl! Nowadays, the possibilities for consuming Dandelion are endless. If the bitter taste of its leaves are off-putting, try my favourite option – beverage style!

Choco-Dandelion-Mocha-Java (caffeine-free)
1 tbsp Dandy Blend
½ Tbsp Cacao Powder
1 cup boiling water
1/8th cup nut milk of choice
1 tsp Lakanto sweetener or 1 tsp honey/maple syrup
*add to cup and stir well

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References: Ata S, Farooq F, Javed S. Elemental profile of 24 common medicinal plants of Pakistan and its direct link with traditional uses. J Med Plants Res. 2011;5(26):6164–6168.

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