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Alkaline Goodness The Green Goddess Smoothie

Alkaline Goodness The Green Goddess Smoothie

Many studies have shown that cancer patients have a high level of acidity in their bodies. We must work to lower acidity and create a more alkaline balance to improve our odds of living a longer and healthier life.

One of the best ways to ensure we get live nutrients is by incorporating at least one raw, green, and alkaline-friendly drink into our day. The Green Goddess is simple, delicious, and uses only alkaline-promoting ingredients.

The Green Goddess is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. The fresh ingredients work to offset acidity in the body and create a more alkaline environment. It will also help to reduce inflammation and support overall health. The essential fatty acids leave you feeling full longer and actually assist the body in burning body fat. This drink supports every organ in your body, including the brain.

Blend it up at least a few times this week and you’re well on your way to a healthier body and mind!

Use only organic ingredients.

See Also

3 cups of rice, hemp, almond, or oat milk
½ avocado
1 freshly squeezed grapefruit (juice only)
1 tablespoon of chia or hemp seeds
1 peeled lime
3 teaspoons of coconut sugar
2 cups of fresh spinach
½ English cucumber with peel
¼ cup of coconut milk or baby coconut meat
½ cup of ice
1 scoop of superfood greens powder

Blend together in a blender or a Vitamix and serve with a cucumber wedge.

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