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Connect on Blast 4 Online Marketing Strategies That Put Lead Generation On Autopilot

Connect on Blast 4 Online Marketing Strategies That Put Lead Generation On Autopilot

Marketing used to be easy. Referral booths and ballot boxes used to generate enough leads to keep the tour book FULL. Newspaper ads & radio BETTER have worked because they were the price of a Step Mill (**that 4 members are always fighting over) and walk-ins used to flow enough to keep your sales team happy.


And although some old school techniques still work, if you want to SCALE & GROW, you need to tap into the science of online marketing that puts your lead generation on auto-pilot. 

Here are 4 Online Marketing Strategies that give you the BIGGEST bang for your buck:

  1. Facebook Ads:

Facebook ads can 10x your business. You can target your audience by location, by fitness-based interests or even if they watch your videos. By using Facebook ads, you can dog-whistle out your ideal customers. You don’t have to market to everyone (aka spray and pray as newspaper & radio do) but you can be VERY specific on who you want to show your ads to for as little as $5/day which put ANY size business in the game.

2. Facebook Lives

Facebook lives showcase that you’re an expert. Use Facebook Lives to answer FAQs, share motivational tips, talk about a valuable freebie you offer (**more info on what a freebie is below) & share what’s happening in your club. End each Facebook Live with a call to action like “drop your email below” or “comment on your biggest takeaway.”  Facebook Lives can be promoted as well which allows you to create specific targeted audiences to serve ads to (**if they watch your Facebook Live on weight loss, they’re obviously interested in losing weight, etc).

3. Offer A Freebie

A freebie is a valuable tool that gives your audience quick wins, builds trust & gives you their email in return. A freebie could be “10 Crock Pot Recipes For Fall” or “10 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work”. Cater your freebie to who your ideal customer is & what they’re trying to achieve. The most non-techie way to give away your freebie away is to create a social media post and ask for an email to send the freebie to. You can also have an opt-in on your website that can collect emails and sends the freebie automatically.

4.Your Email List

See Also

When you’ve done the work of building your email list, you’ve gotten into an intimate space with way less noise. Your audience is 10x more likely to see your message if you email them vs posting on social media. Email is a perfect way to build trust, add value and share tips & tricks to help your audience be successful but it can also be used when it comes to closing out a sale, promoting an in-club event or announcing a new personal trainer with an option to book a session with them.

When you pour more effort into the top of the funnel (advertising on Facebook and creating Facebook Lives), you’ll end up with more leads and emails which is essential in any successful membership or personal training drive. 

When you build a mighty email list, you’ll have tons of opportunities to scale and grow your business much faster than any boots on the ground strategy. Online marketing is really the science of finding out what builds your funnel the fastest.

For more marketing tips & tricks, make sure to join Business Bootcamp:

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