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Do’s, Don’ts & Myth Busters – Summer Skin Care Tips

Do’s, Don’ts & Myth Busters – Summer Skin Care Tips

Your heart and your brain are two of the most important internal organs, but we also have one very important external organ that deserves some major respect. Your epidermis is the top part of your skin, and your skin is your body’s largest and fastest growing organ. Adults have an average of 22 square feet of skin which is a living breathing entity that protects you when it’s cold, and keeps you cool when it’s hot. So why not invest some time in learning how to take proper care of something so valuable? Yup. We agree. We’ve got some hot tips so you don’t have to sweat about it.

Summer Skin Tips
Put eye cream in the fridge! Nice and cool and helps to reduce puffiness and gives a nice silky feeling

Wear a BIG HAT – with a large Brim! Even more important than SPF
Covering up exposed skin

Pro tip: It’s important to keep the pores open…not just on the face but the entire body. An excellent method for doing so is Dry Skin Brushing.

Dry Skin Brushing – Takes only minutes but its health benefits are overwhelmingly beneficial. The stimulation of the brushing action activates lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. And, brushing the dead-skin cells away help to keep the pores open for elimination (sweating, breathing).

How To Dry Skin Brush
1. Best to brush in the am if possible
2. Brush in long strokes from toes upwards toward the heart
3. Brush in circles around knobby knees and elbows
4. Protect skin post brushing by applying an organic body oil

5. Cleanse skin

**Note, step 4/5 are in correct order. Skin is a fat-soluble organ and oils will soak deep into the pores once the skin cells are fluffed off. You can certainly reapply body oil after shower too.

Facial Exfoliators (aka scrubs)
to do or not to do?
NEVER exfoliate on sensitive skin or irritated skin.
NEVER exfoliate around the eyes
NEVER over-exfoliate…

Exfoliating Helps to rejuvenate skill cells. Helps with blood circulation – because of the massaging affect it helps bring more oxygen and blood to the skin and makes skin look better, more vibrant.

Myth – men shouldn’t exfoliate because if they use a razor, it shaves off skin cell layers.
Truth – yes, shaving the face does shave off skin (around the mouth/lips), but what’s missing is exfoliating forehead, neck, etc. so it’s beneficial for men too!

Skin rejuvenates in about 27 days (cycle of new growth) – every day though, we lose a lot of dead skin cells from everywhere on your skin…. Not just face.
Best methods to assist skin looking youthful …. CLEANING, CLEANING, AND CLEANING. Ido from Lavido says this is even MORE important than moisturizers!

Order of importance:
#1. Cleanse – always wash the makeup off before sleeping
#2 Wash face day & night. If pressed for time, ALWAYS at night!
#3. Skin exfoliation 2 x / week

Then… if you do the first three…(and you have time)…

See Also

#4. Dedicated moisturizer for eyes, skin, dry skin
#5. Toner to close pores – or use cold water
#6. Then, serum, moisturizer, eye cream, and don’t forget the neck!
#7 Masks – important to nourish skin
#8. Mature skin – use a night cream

Washing Face with Warm vs. Cool Water

Warm water will open pores
Cool Water will close pores

Cool water will affect the pores by closing them – best as the ‘last’ cleansing process if you do a facial exfoliator, or cleanser, then toner (if no toner) best to use cold water.

Same for both Women/Men.

Men – best to wash face with cold water to close pores after shaving!

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