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Exfoliate for Fall – Skin Care Tips to Bring Out the Oh! In Au Naturel

Exfoliate for Fall – Skin Care Tips to Bring Out the Oh! In Au Naturel

In case you haven’t followed up on the beauty trends for Fall – we’ve been stalking the runways so we could share the scoop with you. One of the biggest developments this season: Makeup took a back seat. What does this mean? Dump your shadows, blushes and bronzers and go au naturel? Well, not quite but it is certainly a sign that the natural beauty boom is making its comeback, and with that, great skin is taking centre stage.
With cooler temps rolling in and heaters getting fired up, the air gets drier outside and inside. This shift means that skin starts losing moisture, which, if not treated correctly, can result in an increase in skin sensitivity and dryness.
So it’s not just trendy to change up your skincare routine for Fall—it’s required in order to maintain healthy and hydrated skin.

Here are a few skin care tips so when the cold winds blow, you can protect your glow.

Fall is the Best Time to Exfoliate
A gentle exfoliation regimen may help fade some hyper pigmentation that could be aggravated by the sun. Hot humid weather can also cause a buildup of dead skin, oil and sweat so we might find our skin is a little more congested than we’d like.
While you want to avoid products that contain jagged or uneven edges that can cause micro tears in the skin, there are a number of particles that can safely be used for gentle exfoliation and that do a great job removing dead skin without harming the skin barrier and the healthy cells. Pomegranate peel and seeds gently massage the skin and remove dead skin cells. Organic essentials oils such as macadamia and lemon oils improve skin tone and suppleness. Adding a mask helps to dry out blemishes without leaving the skin dehydrated.

Try all natural products like Lavido’s 2-in-1 Purifying Facial Mask & Exfoliator

And remember that exfoliation needs to be monitored. Some complexions only need exfoliation once per week, some less or more frequent. Use your skin’s texture and hydration levels as the gauge.
To compliment your exfoliation, especially if you are not seeing results, try steaming or really hydrating the skin first. Take a shower in the evening as opposed to the morning and apply your exfoliating product while the skin is plump and damp and pores are open. You can also try using a facial steam or even a warm damp washcloth placed over the face for a few minutes.
Be sure to moisturize afterwards! Don’t skip or skimp on hydration ever! This could be the crucial step that keeps your skin barrier healthy, allowing you to exfoliate safely.
And, hydrated skin allows optimal functioning of the enzymes in the skin that control the skin’s natural desquamation process. We love the Ultra Daily Moisturizer Cream, from Lavido—it’s a must-have in your skin care arsenal. It contains a blend of oils that ensures a well-moisturized feel and hydration that provides that added attention needed for the cold, dry months. It helps to balance the skin and an added bonus is that it smells amazing!

To further ensure that your skin is fresh for Fall, we also highly recommend Lavido’s best selling Replenishing Facial Serum. This product is 100% natural and is made with 19 different pure plants! The effect on the skin is immediate. It gives a glowing younger look. It is also known for its effectiveness in smoothness, firmness and in decreasing the depth of wrinkles.

Evening primrose oil is one of the most potent oils for skin’s healing and can be found in this serum. Without question, it contains an amazing, unique combination of fatty oil with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including 65 – 80 % linoleic acid (C18:2, omega 6), 9 – 13 % gamma – linolenic acid (C18:3, omega 6), in addition oleic acid (C18:1, omega 9), palmitic acid and stearic acid.

See Also

So if you were thinking about investing in some new shadow or foundation for the Fall, you might be able to forego that expense and simply put your focus on your skin. By creating that natural glow with your new skin care routine, you could easily spare the cover up and go for the reveal. Nourish your skin and you too can be rocking the au naturel look this season.

Cure dry feet!
Colder weather has no judgement and your feet are just as likely to get bit by the cold as your face. Dryness and dehydration can show up in the form of cracked heels—the worst! But with the right foot cream, you won’t have to worry.
Try Lavido’s Thera Intensive Foot Cream

The Lavido product line can be found at

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